Assistance Dog Training
We are now an approved training for Dog Aid! This means i can help train and assist you and your dog through the stages of the Assistance Dog training stages to become a fully licensed dog you can take anywhere

Where to start?
If you have recently decided you or someone close to you would benefit from an Assistance dog. Then it can be a very confusing world to work out how to get your end goal.
Plus understanding what it really takes to get your dog that well training and socialised!
It takes a great deal of work but as long your dog has the potential we can get you start on your road to creating the best dog!
Dog A.I.D are there to help and support people with disabilities to have a dog by their side that helps with small tasks like fetching dropped items, retrieving things like phones, pressing buttons, or helping you get your socks off!
There is also the ADAA The Assistance Dog Assessment Association, is a charity that offers people living with disabilities the opportunity to have their assistance dog independently assessed.
The ADAA are an independent Assessing charity that helps when you might not fit in other disability assistant dog charity boxes.
Training Packages available
Email for details